Here goes my first blog for my web site! Why not? Everyone is doing it right? Well I don't know about that but I thought I would give it a try. If by chance anyone out there in internet land reads this blog and sees that I need to dot an I or cross a T please let me know ok? I am very open to constructive criticism. So give it to me! Here we go....
My name is Gregg Steven Blasingame. I am a professional photographer in Morro Bay, California. I also am a singer songwriter and have two albums on CD. My photography web site is and my music web site is So what do I talk about in this blog? I could talk about photography or music but I will leave that for another post in the near future. For this post I will share with you a glimpse of our life here in Morro Bay, California.
My wife Marty and I are now living in a van down by the river in Morro Bay, Ca. Well not really a van, more like a 5th wheel RV. We were living in a really nice house here in Morro Bay. Due to the economy and my mothers recent battle with cancer we had to hit the pavement literally. However we are refusing to leave our favorite place on Earth, Morro Bay, California. We are full time RVing for the time being and it is really fun. We have been staying at the local campgrounds and Pismo for a while moving around not far away. Now we are at Bay Pines in Morro Bay. The pool is heated and the spa is great! The simple RV life does have it's benefits. By the way, I am a ham amateur radio operator and I have been getting back on the radio. So if any of you are hams let me know. My call sign is KG6CRU. I scan most of the repeaters, the marine channels and the local public service.
This last year has been one of the hardest years of our life if not the hardest. We lost my mother September 15, 2008. My wife and I helped take care of her almost everyday she was sick with cancer. We helped our father take her to Stanford University Hospital and to Reno for treatment. My photography and internet business had to be put on hold so we lost everything financially. We just couldn't see living our life as usual as our mother fought for her life. My mother and father never had one break through out all of this and we didn't want to take one either. My father never left her side the entire time. I really thought she could beat this if we could just get her the right treatment. I was wrong, we couldn't beat it. I will never regret trying. We love her very much and look forward to the day we see her again in paradise where I am sure she will be.
We have two parrots, Romeo and Chewy. They are both 5 years old. Romeo is a African Grey and Chewy is a miniature Macaw. We took the table out of our 5th wheel so we could make room for their cages. We were loosing everything, we couldn't loose our birds too. They are like children to us. They both talk really good. Every morning they say, "good morning" over and over till we take the cover off their cages. Every night they say "good night" when the sun goes down. They say a lot of other things as well. A few things we don't want them to say. Whenever we are cooking Romeo starts beeping like the microwave until we give him whatever we are cooking. That one drives me crazy. I have a squirt bottle to squirt him with and then he yells, "quiet!, quiet!" along with me. Ever been mocked by a bird? Fun, got to love it right? What are we going to do? Kick the little guys out of their home too? Tell them to fly the coop because they are late on their cage payment? I really do not think they could survive out there in the wild. I guess we will let them slide on their cage payments for now. Here in Morro Bay there is a bird called the Snowy Plover. Their homes are fenced off on the beach. They have protected beach front property. Maybe someday the government will protect our homes too. That will be the day.
Well enough about that. I will try to post some pictures of our life so you can take a peek.
Let me see if I can do this... ok here we go...

No way! Look at how fat I am. Wow, one thing I love about my wife is no matter how fat I get she still loves me. Well I better suck it in for the next photo. I really don't look this fat in real life. Really I don't. She is pulling my belly out. See that? My God I look like I'm pregnant! Notice the California Park Ranger hat, the Nashville t-shirt and surfer dude shorts. No I didn't dress up for this picture. I dress stylish like this all the time. It's called the "Looser Dude" look (TM). Notice the queen of hearts there next to me. "Have you heard about the lonesome looser? Beaten by the queen of hearts every time? Have you heard about the lonesome looser? He's a looser but he still keeps on trying!" Hey... Did you notice the little red Honda generator? Were living off the grid here! Going GREEN. Reducing our carbon foot print. I guess you got to loose to win. Yeah, I got it all figured out no doubt. Over and out! 73's to ya!
Check this out! my Theme song!
How is that for my first post? If you get a chance come by and see us in Morro Bay at our new gallery. We are located at 231 Morro Bay Blvd. in Morro Bay. If you have any questions about printing or photography I will be glad to answer what I can.
Take care,
Gregg Steven Blasingame
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